Working paper series

PPN 1000472353, ZSS 1
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2024 Automation-skill complementarity : the changing returns to soft skills in different stages of technology adoptionPustovalova, Anastasiia; Vahter, Priit
2024 Firm-level capabilities and response to a negative export shock : 2014 Russian embargo on the WestJuust, Mathias; Varblane, Urmas
2023 Automation in an open, catching-up economy : aggregate and microeconometric evidenceTiwari, Amaresh
2022 Predicting company innovativeness by analysing the website data of firms : a comparison across different types of innovationSõna, Sander; Masso, Jaan; Sharma, Shakshi; Vahter, Priit; Sharma, Rajesh
2022 Inflation expectations and consumption with machine learningGabrielyan, Diana; Uusküla, Lenno
2022 The effects of the ECB communications on financial markets before and during COVID-19 pandemicAlfieri, Luca; Eratalay, Mustafa Hakan; Lapitskaya, Darya; Sharma, Rajesh
2022 Productivity and firm dynamics over the business cycleAssefa, Abraham; Lapitskaya, Darya; Uusküla, Lenno
2022 The impact of ESG ratings on the systemic risk of European blue-chip firmsEratalay, Mustafa Hakan; Cortés Ángel, Ariana Paola
2022 The relationship of technological and organizational innovation with firm performance : opening the black box of dynamic complementaritiesVahter, Priit; Vadi, Maaja
2022 Does corruption hinder firm energy efficiency? : evidence from VietnamAshyrov, Gaygysyz; Poltimäe, Helen
2021 Joining and exiting the value chain of multinationals and the performance of suppliers: evidence from inter-firm transaction dataMasso, Jaan; Vahter, Priit
2021 Predicting stock return and volatility with machine learning and econometric models: a comparative case study of the Baltic stock marketNõu, Anders; Lapitskaya, Darya; Eratalay, M. Hakan; Sharma, Rajesh
2021 Trade effects of a negative export shock on direct exporters and wholesalersJuust, Mathias
2021 Deep diving into the S&P 350 Europe Index network and its reaction to COVID-19Cortés Ángel, Ariana Paolo; Eratalay, Mustafa Hakan
2021 Personalized total cost of ownership and rational car choice: evidence from online field experimentThemas, Ergo; Tverdostup, Maryna
2021 Effects of automation on the gender pay gap: the case of EstoniaPavlenkova, Ilona; Alfieri, Luca; Masso, Jaan
2021 Productivity implications of R&D, innovation and capital accumulation for incumbents and entrants: the case of EstoniaMasso, Jaan; Tiwari, Amaresh
2021 Corruption and firm innovation: evidence from post-Soviet countriesAghazada, Elchin; Ashyrov, Gaygysyz
2020 The gap that survived the transition: the gender wage gap over three decades in EstoniaMeriküll, Jaanika; Tverdostup, Maryna
2020 Innovation as a firm-level factor of the gender wage gapMasso, Jaan; Vahter, Priit
Publikationen (sortiert nach Zugangsdatum in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 50