
Linek, Stephanie B.
Evaluation of Civic Science Education: Influence of the Time Point of Measurement
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2024) Valencia: IATED Academy, 2024, pp. 1771-1779, doi:10.21125/edulearn.2024.0533 Link zum Volltext (PDF)
Linek, Stephanie B.
Serious Comics: Influence of Balanced Comic Figures and Subjective Affinities
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2024) Valencia: IATED Academy, 2024, pp. 1755-1764, doi:10.21125/edulearn.2024.0531 Link zum Volltext (PDF)
Bernstetter, Armin / Kwasnitschka, Tom / Peters, Isabella
A Practical Approach to Provenance Capturing for Reproducible Visual Analytics at an Ocean Research Institute
In: EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA) Eindhoven: The Eurographics Association, 2023, pp. 43-48, doi:10.2312/eurova.20231095 Link zum Volltext (PDF)
Linek, Stephanie B. / Schmidt, Andrea
Parental background and children’s view of civic science education – narrowing the education gap by idealism?
In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2023) Valencia: IATED Academy, 2023, pp. 2550-2558, doi:10.21125/edulearn.2023.0737 Link zum Volltext (PDF)
Dorsch, Isabelle / Herrmann, Christoph / Rhein, Sebastian
Soziale Medien und empirische Forschung. Eine interaktive Podiumsdiskussion am Fallbeispiel 'Fridays for Future' auf Instagram
In: Informationswissenschaft im Wandel - Wissenschaftliche Tagung 2022 (IWWT22) Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, 2023, pp. 266-274 Link zum Volltext (PDF)
Bräuer, Paula / Werner, Florian / Mazarakis, Athanasios
Extracting Game Design Elements from Voice-Enabled Games: A Review of Amazon Alexa Skills
In: Proceedings of the 7th International GamiFIN Conference, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Aachen: CEUR-WS.org, 2023, pp. 47-56 Link zum Volltext (PDF)
Bräuer, Paula / Berg, Margarita / Mazarakis, Athanasios / Peters, Isabella
Movement in Virtual Time: How Virtual Reality Can Support Long-Term Thinking
In: MuC '23: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2023 New York: ACM, 2023, pp. 477-481, doi:10.1145/3603555.3608569 Link zum Volltext (PDF)
Mazarakis, Athanasios / Voit, Thomas
6th International Workshop "Gam-R – Gamification Reloaded"
In: Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2023,, doi:10.18420/muc2023-mci-ws08-111 Link zum Volltext (PDF)
Sammet, Jill / Krestel, Ralf
Domain-Specific Keyword Extraction using BERT
In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2023) Lisbon: NOVA FCSH-CLUNL, 2023, pp. 659-665, doi:10.34619/srmk-injj Link zum Volltext (PDF)
Krestel, Ralf / Aras, Hidir / Andersson, Linda / Piroi, Florina / Hanbury, Allan / Alderucci, Dean
4th Workshop on Patent Text Mining and Semantic Technologies (PatentSemTech2023)
In: SIGIR 2023, 4th Workshop on Patent Text Mining and Semantic Technologies (PatentSemTech2023) New York: ACM, 2023, pp. 3483-3486, doi:10.1145/3539618.3591929 Link zum Volltext (PDF)